
Unique Bunny Osborne

by Meena Choi 28 Apr 2021 0 条评论

Hello everyone, summer is coming around the corner and we hope the warming weather makes you as happy as it makes us! 

Our Osborne Location is one that most of you might already know well. This location has a wider variety of snacks (because the key to the heart is through the stomach), our beautiful wall of socks, and tons of cute plushies!

Another key feature at this location is the Gacha Machine. We have an assortment of Gacha Machine's where you can try your luck at collecting a wide range of adorable collectables. At the moment we have Pokemon, Naruto, Rilakkuma, and more! 

Feel free to drop by at your leisure, there'll definitely be something for you to enjoy while you're here. 

Japanese CosmeticsJapanese Gacha MachineStationaryJapanese and Korean Face MasksSocksPlushies

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